Study for the Terraform Associate exam by following these tutorials. Login to Learn and bookmark them to track your progress. Study the complete list of study materials (including docs) in the Certification Prep guides.
Learn how infrastructure as code lets you safely build, change, and manage infrastructure. Try Terraform.
Lock and upgrade provider versions
Manage your provider versions using the dependency lock file. Use version constraints to filter provider versions compatible with your configuration. Update your lock file to use a new provider version.
Build infrastructure
Authenticate to AWS and create an EC2 instance under the AWS free tier. Write and validate Terraform configuration, initialize a configuration directory, and plan and apply a configuration to create infrastructure.
Change infrastructure
Modify EC2-instance configuration to use a different Ubuntu version. Plan and apply the changes to re-provision a new instance that reflects the new configuration. Learn how Terraform handles infrastructure change management.
Destroy infrastructure
Destroy the AWS EC2 instance you created in the previous tutorials. Evaluate the plan and confirm the destruction.
Store remote state
Configure Terraform to store state in HCP Terraform. Add a remote state block directly to configuration or set an environment variable to load remote state configuration when Terraform initializes.
Initialize Terraform configuration
Learn what Terraform does when you run `terraform init` in a working directory. Initialize the backend, install providers, download modules, and explore the lock file and .terraform directory.
Create a Terraform plan
Learn how Terraform constructs an execution plan. Export a plan with the -out flag, review the plan contents, and apply a saved plan.
Apply Terraform configuration
Learn how Terraform applies configuration to change your infrastructure. Provision a Docker container, introduce an apply error, note how Terraform handles errors, and perform basic troubleshooting.
Manage Terraform versions
Update an existing configuration to work with a newer version of Terraform. Use the required_version setting to pin the Terraform versions for your projects. Manage different versions of Terraform across your team.
Customize Terraform configuration with variables
Customize infrastructure for a web application with Terraform. In this tutorial, you will use Terraform input variables, including lists, maps, strings, and booleans, to make the configuration for your infrastructure more flexible.
Protect sensitive input variables
Protect sensitive values from accidental exposure using Terraform sensitive input variables. Provision a web application with Terraform, and mark input variables as sensitive to restrict when Terraform prints them out to the console.
Output data from Terraform
Use output values to export data about the resources Terraform manages. Hide sensitive output values.
Query data sources
Use a data source to configure an EC2 instance with an appropriate AMI for the current region. Use a remote state data source to share data between Terraform projects and to support multiple availability zones.
Create resource dependencies
Create an implicit dependency between an EC2 instance and its Elastic IP using variable interpolation. Create explicit dependencies on an S3 Bucket and SQS Queue with depends_on. Learn how Terraform creates independent resources in parallel.
Perform dynamic operations with functions
Use templatefile and lookup functions to generate dynamic user data for an EC2 instance and find a region-specific AMI.
Create dynamic expressions
Make your Terraform configurations more dynamic and reusable with expressions. Use locals to assign expressions to variables for reuse, conditionals to declare if/then scenarios, and the splat expression to return attributes from complex value types.
Modules overview
Read about how Terraform modules make configuration easier to organize, understand, reuse, and share. Learn about the directory structure of a module, and how to call them.
Use registry modules in configuration
Use modules from the public Terraform Registry to define an Amazon VPC containing two EC2 instances. Select module and root input and output variables, install the modules, and apply the configuration.
Build and use a local module
Write a local module to create an Amazon S3 bucket hosting a static website. Create a module directory, write the module configuration, variables, and outputs, and call the module from a root configuration.
Refactor monolithic Terraform configuration
Deploy development and production versions of an S3-hosted static website. Separate their configuration into files, directories, and workspaces, and explore the architectural trade-offs of each approach.
Module creation - recommended pattern
Learn the architectural recommendations for module creation distilled from engagements with large enterprises using Terraform. Use Terraform module best practices to scope, build, improve and consume Terraform modules.
Manage resources in Terraform state
Create an EC2 instance and security group, and move a resource to another state file. Remove, replace, and re-import resources to manage state and reconcile drift in your infrastructure.
Target resources
Apply changes to an AWS S3 bucket and bucket objects using resource targeting. Target individual resources, modules, and collections of resources to change or destroy. Explore how Terraform handles upstream and downstream dependencies.
Manage resource drift
Create an AWS instance and security group. Manually change the instance to create drift in your Terraform state file. Reconcile your state drift and import your resources while avoiding downtime.
Use refresh-only mode to sync Terraform state
Use refresh-only plans and applies to update Terraform state to match real-world infrastructure. Understand the implicit refresh behavior in Terraform plan and apply operations.
Troubleshoot Terraform
Interpret and fix a Terraform configuration with common configuration language errors and deploy an EC2 instance with security groups in AWS. Learn best practices for logging application errors and reporting bugs.
Inject secrets into Terraform using the Vault provider
Configure the AWS Secrets Engine to manage IAM credentials in Vault through Terraform. Then use the short-lived, Vault-generated, dynamic secrets to provision EC2 instances.
Log in to HCP Terraform from the CLI
Log into HCP Terraform or Enterprise with the Terraform CLI to migrate state, trigger remote runs, and interact with HCP Terraform.
Migrate state to HCP Terraform
Migrate a state file to HCP Terraform for secure storage and easy collaboration.
What is HCP Terraform - intro and sign up
Sign up for HCP Terraform, which provides free remote state storage, a stable run environment, version control system (VCS) driven plans and applies, a collaborative web GUI, and more. Create your first organization.
Create a credentials variable set
Create a variable set for your AWS IAM credentials that you can reuse across workspaces. Apply the variable set to a workspace.
Create a workspace
Create a CLI-driven HCP Terraform workspace. Update configuration to enable integration with HCP Terraform.
Create infrastructure
Set EC2 instance attributes using HCP Terraform workspace variables. Create the instance by planning and applying a run in HCP Terraform.
Change infrastructure
Use command line input variables to modify infrastructure managed by HCP Terraform. Review workspace contents and interface.
Use VCS-driven workflow
Update a workspace to use the version control system-driven workflow with GitHub. Queue a speculative plan by opening a pull request.
Destroy resources and workspaces
Destroy the resources in an HCP Terraform workspace, and delete the workspace via the web UI.
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